• AD Anderson

    My dear Anne! Have I found you? This is AD, a fellow traveler with whom you shared missives a dozen years ago. I’ve tried emailing you, but your old address is kaput. But I found an old email about your book, which led me here. Yay!! I just read a few of your “letters” and found them so reassuring as well as informative. Can’t wait to read more – I’m bookmarking this page. As for me – I have spent the last 12 years as a caregiver – to various people/ideas, but, for whatever reason, in a caregiving posture. It seems to be the era for me :). But at some point the pendulum will swing back to my totally selfish ways, and I will hit the road. And my chosen next destination is Japan! If you’re still there when I eventually get there, I really hope we can finally meet in person. Much love to you, and congratulations on the book and website! AD

    September 13, 2020
    • anneblog

      AD Anderson, I remember you well. I often wondered what happened to you. You seem alive and well. Unfortunately, I can read only half of the first sentence you wrote. I can’t seem to open the rest. I hope we can communicate better in the future. Looking forward to it! So much to catch up on!

      October 26, 2022

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