I think we can do
- At January 25, 2017
- By anneblog
- In Annes Letters
- 0
Living overseas as an American these days is extremely interesting. It is also unsettling, confusing, and challenging. Many friends ask me what is going on it my country. They want reassurance and hope. I am never quite sure what to say. But I talk about the resistance to Trump, happily gaining momentum daily. I try to reassure them that America knows the importance of a good relationship with Japan. Even so, people are very uneasy. Yet being thoughtfully Japanese, they think of my feelings, too. And so, they give me reassurance — mostly because they themselves are seeking it.
And after Trump’s election, a friend wrote to me.
I wish USA would be greater than ever.
And the Great USA would help other Countries like Mexico or Japan.
I think “GREAT” means SOFT, KIND, THOGHTFUL, CALM, and WARM ! ! !
It does not mean “A LOT OF MONY”, I am sure.
“Mr. Trump wa, GREAT no imi wa hakkiri saseteimasen.”
(Mr. Trump, the meaning of GREAT is not to decisively cut and pierce.)
So, do not worry!
Mr. Trump could change America better than ever.
I hope so.
In a later e-mail she said:
But half of the number in USA chose “America first”.
I think many people would find out soon that “Together” would be better than “America first”.
I wish he would be good person . . .
Let’s try we can do.
Even as we resist, let’s try.
I think we can do.